Blog Posts

Critital CSS and the Rendering Path

This series serves as my attempt at explaining JavaScript the best way I can. It took failing, building and having to work with it in day-to-day situations to truly begin to not only understand it, but appreciate it for what it is and what it can do.

New ways to represent color with CSS

Flank sausage landjaeger, venison sirloin pork loin biltong pork belly bacon pastrami tongue. Corned beef bacon filet mignon strip steak cow.

Why React is fantastic

Salami cow cupim buffalo, spare ribs kevin alcatra sausage drumstick strip steak pastrami ham. Chuck tri-tip spare ribs salami.

Why React is... okay

Salami cow cupim buffalo, spare ribs kevin alcatra sausage drumstick strip steak pastrami ham. Chuck tri-tip spare ribs salami.