Critital CSS and the Rendering Path

This series serves as my attempt at explaining JavaScript the best way I can. It took failing, building and having to work with it in day-to-day situations to truly begin to not only understand it, but appreciate it for what it is and what it can do.

My Goal

My goal for the series to not only introduce you to the fundamentals of the programming language, but also explain how JavaScript works under the hood without any frameworks or libraries.

This will be an ongoing and ever-evolving series as JavaScript will continue to come out with more features. I also seek to deepen my own knowledge of the language and this is a great way to better my technical communication abilities.

My Aim

My aim is to make this series digestible and easy for everyone to understand, whether you’re a complete beginner to coding or prepping for those all too intense technical interviews.

Should you expect a post every day? Not quite but it will be very frequent and at least weekly. The goal is to make 100 posts about JavaScript by the end of 2021, ready for this adventure?